The Objectives

Teams must plan, design, and make a delicious smoothie, in order to present their product and ideas successfully to the other teams while taking into account the benchmark targets your company wishes to focus on.
Talk with us to customize your target choices such as cost control, marketing, logistics, channels, sustainability, quality control, or waste control to maximize the benefits from the event on your team building day.
At some point during the presentation, chosen targets should be addressed in such a way to show how the teams ideas
are relevant to your team’s work responsibilties and/or the company practices.

The Best
Teams will judge each other with blind tasting for flavour and on their product potential by filling out the scoring card after each teams presentation. Facilitars will also score on some points. The final tally will be presented at the end of the event.

  • Mental 80% 80%
  • Educational 85% 85%
  • Team work 75% 75%
  • Communication 80% 80%
  • Physical 30% 30%
  • Fun 90% 90%
  • Leadership 70% 70%
  • Strategy 70% 70%